

edited by Gustav Scherz
出版情報: [Odense] : Odense University Press, 1971
シリーズ名: Acta historica scientiarum naturalium et medicinalium ; vol. 23
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Incontri Internazionali d'Arte
出版情報: Firenze : Centro Di, c1973
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[herausgegeben und redigiert von Harald Haarmann, Michael Studemund]
出版情報: Hamburg : Buske, c1972
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出版情報: 東京 : 白水社, 1976.1
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奈良国立文化財研究所 ; 宮沢, 智士(1937-)
出版情報: 奈良 : 奈良国立文化財研究所, 1978.3
シリーズ名: 奈良国立文化財研究所学報 / 奈良国立文化財研究所 [編] ; 第33冊
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diciotto interventi a cura di Augusto Graziani
出版情報: Torino : G. Einaudi, c1975
シリーズ名: Nuova biblioteca scientifica Einaudi ; 51
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edited by Jean Casagrande and Bohdan Saciuk
出版情報: [Rowley, Mass.] : Newbury House Publishers, 1972
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by Günther Massenkeil ; [prefatory matter] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : A. Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., Leeds Music Corp., 1970
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 37
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Lauda Anima e corpo : (1577) Anon.
From Rappresentazione di anima e di corpo (1600) Emilio de' Cavalieri
Dialogo (1611) Biagio Tomasi
From Repraesentatio harmonica conceptionis et nativitatis S. Joannis Baptistae (c. 1618) Daniel Bollius
From Dialogo (The offering of Isaac) : (1619) Giovanni Francesco Anerio
Recitative and aria ("Romanesca") from S. Tommaso (1640) Marco Marazzoli
Chorus of Israelites, dialogue between Jephthah and his daughter, and final-chorus : from Jephte (c. 1645) Giacomo Carissimi
From Vom reichen Manne und Lazaro : (1649) Andreas Fromm
From Adam : (c. 1650) Bonifazio Graziani
Quartet of the elements from the Sepolcro : Il lutto dell'universo : (1668) Kaiser Leopold I
Herod's aria : from S. Giovanni Battista (1675) Alessandro Stradella
Trio Ismaele-Agar-Abramo : from Agar et Ismaele esiliati (1683) Alessandro Scarlatti
From Le reniement de St-Pierre : (c. 1690) Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Dialogue of the angel and the shepherds : from Oratorio de Noël (1701) Jacques-François Lochon
St. John's aria : from La resurrezione (1708) G.F. Händel
St. Petronio's aria : from S. Tetronio (1720) Giacomo Antonio Perti
Introduction and recitative albin and guide from Die Pilgrime auf Golgatha : (1742) Johann Adolf Hasse
Recitative and chorale from Der Tod Jesu : (1755) Carl Heinrich Graun
Dialogue of Mary and Martha : from Die Auferweckung Lazarus (1773) Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach
Recitative and shepherds' march from La nativité : (1774) François-Joseph Gossec
Recitative of Jesus and chorus of warriors : from Christus am Ölberge, op. 85 (1803) Ludwig van Beethoven
Raphael's aria : from Das Weltgericht (1819) Friedrich Schneider
Chorus from Premier oratorio pour le couronnement : (1825?) Jean François Le Sueur
Peter's aria and Mary's recitative : from Des Heilands letzte Stunden (1835) Louis Spohr
Chorale and St. Paul's aria : from Paulus, op. 36 (1836) Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Tenor aria with chorus from Oratorio de Noël : op. 12 (1869) Camille Saint-Saëns
Baritone solo with chorus from Christus : (1872) Franz Liszt
Song of Rhapsodes : from Odysseus, op. 41 (1872) Max Bruch
Recitation and angels' chorus : from Rédemption (1873) César Franck
Narrator's aria from Ève : (1875) Jules Massenet
Chorale and death of Jesus : from La rédemption (1882) Charles Gounod
Ludmila's recitative and Ivan's aria : from Svatá Ludmila, op. 71 (1886) Antonín Dvořák
Gerontius' song : from The dream of Gerontius (1900) Edward Elgar
Lauda Anima e corpo : (1577) Anon.
From Rappresentazione di anima e di corpo (1600) Emilio de' Cavalieri
Dialogo (1611) Biagio Tomasi


by Peter Schleuning ; [introduction] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A.: MCA Music, c1971
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 42, 43
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目次情報: 続きを見る
v. 1. Fantasÿ in fa (1524) Leonhard Kleber
Fantasia (1535) Luys Milan
Preambel oder fantasey : (1536) Hans Newsidler
Fantasia (1536) Francesco da Milano
Fantasia allegra (1596) Andrea Gabrieli
Fantasia sopra quattro soggetti : (1608) Girolamo Frescobaldi
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la : (c. 1610) John Bull
Fantasia Giles Farnaby
Fantasia Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
Fantasia Pieter Cornet
Fantasia (1659) Anthoni van Noordt
(Fantasia) "Sextus versus" of the chorale variations on "Es ist das Heil uns kommen her" Matthias Weckmann
Fantasia (1697) Johann Krieger
Fantasia Johann Pachelbel
Fantasia (1710) Antonio Vivaldi
Fantasia (before 1735) Georg Friedrich Kaufmann
Fantasia (1733) Georg Philipp Telemann
Fantasia Georg Andreas Sorge
Fantasia maestoso Georg Christoph Wagenseil
Fantasia cromatica : cadenza section (before 1730) Johann Sebastian Bach
Chromatische fantasie Johann Ludwig Krebs
Fantasia Johann Ernst Bach
Fantasia (1768) Georg Simon Löhlein
Fantasia allegretto (1768) Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
"Written" version of C.P.E. Bach's "Fantasia allegretto" : (1790) Johann Carl Friedrich Rellstab
v. 2. Fantasia (1770) Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Fantasie, C.P.E. Bach's feelings Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Fantasia (c. 1770) Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
Fantasia (before 1788) Johann Gottfried Müthel
Fantasia (1785) Ernst Wilhelm Wolf
Fantasia (1769) Ernst Wilhelm Wolf
Fantasia con expressione (1784) Johann Christoph Kellner
Fantasia (1789) Johann Christian Kittel
Fantasia KV 383c (Anh. 32), fragment Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Adagio for an organ piece KV 593a (Anh. 35), fragment '(1790?) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Fantasia KV 616a (Anh. 92), fragment (1791) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Fantasia per il clavicenbalo (1797) Christian Gottlob Neefe
Fantasia op. 17 (c. 1803) Johann Wilhalm Hässler
Fantaisie op. 59/2 (c. 1805) Anton Reicha
Fantasia D 993 (c. 1813) Franz Schubert
Grande fantaisie "Effusio musica" : op. 68 (1826) Friedrich Kalkbrenner
Fantasie "Die Nacht" : op. 392 no. 2 (c. 1837) Carl Czerny
Fantasy piece on motives from "Rienzi" : (1860) Franz Liszt
Fantasie (1903) Béla Bartók
Fantasia (1909) Ferruccio Busoni
Fantasy for violin with piano accompaniment op. 47 (1949) Arnold Schoenberg
v. 1. Fantasÿ in fa (1524) Leonhard Kleber
Fantasia (1535) Luys Milan
Preambel oder fantasey : (1536) Hans Newsidler


directeur: Hans Robert Jauss ; [rédaction permanente, Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Literaturwissenschaft/Romanistik.]
出版情報: Heidelberg : C. Winter, 1968-1970
シリーズ名: Grundriss der romanischen Literaturen des Mittelalters ; v. 6
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t. 1. Partie historique rédacteur, Jürgen Beyer
t. 2. Partie documentaire rédacteurs, Jürgen Beyer et Franz Koppe
t. 1. Partie historique rédacteur, Jürgen Beyer
t. 2. Partie documentaire rédacteurs, Jürgen Beyer et Franz Koppe