

by Günther Massenkeil ; [prefatory matter] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : A. Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., Leeds Music Corp., 1970
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 37
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Lauda Anima e corpo : (1577) Anon.
From Rappresentazione di anima e di corpo (1600) Emilio de' Cavalieri
Dialogo (1611) Biagio Tomasi
From Repraesentatio harmonica conceptionis et nativitatis S. Joannis Baptistae (c. 1618) Daniel Bollius
From Dialogo (The offering of Isaac) : (1619) Giovanni Francesco Anerio
Recitative and aria ("Romanesca") from S. Tommaso (1640) Marco Marazzoli
Chorus of Israelites, dialogue between Jephthah and his daughter, and final-chorus : from Jephte (c. 1645) Giacomo Carissimi
From Vom reichen Manne und Lazaro : (1649) Andreas Fromm
From Adam : (c. 1650) Bonifazio Graziani
Quartet of the elements from the Sepolcro : Il lutto dell'universo : (1668) Kaiser Leopold I
Herod's aria : from S. Giovanni Battista (1675) Alessandro Stradella
Trio Ismaele-Agar-Abramo : from Agar et Ismaele esiliati (1683) Alessandro Scarlatti
From Le reniement de St-Pierre : (c. 1690) Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Dialogue of the angel and the shepherds : from Oratorio de Noël (1701) Jacques-François Lochon
St. John's aria : from La resurrezione (1708) G.F. Händel
St. Petronio's aria : from S. Tetronio (1720) Giacomo Antonio Perti
Introduction and recitative albin and guide from Die Pilgrime auf Golgatha : (1742) Johann Adolf Hasse
Recitative and chorale from Der Tod Jesu : (1755) Carl Heinrich Graun
Dialogue of Mary and Martha : from Die Auferweckung Lazarus (1773) Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach
Recitative and shepherds' march from La nativité : (1774) François-Joseph Gossec
Recitative of Jesus and chorus of warriors : from Christus am Ölberge, op. 85 (1803) Ludwig van Beethoven
Raphael's aria : from Das Weltgericht (1819) Friedrich Schneider
Chorus from Premier oratorio pour le couronnement : (1825?) Jean François Le Sueur
Peter's aria and Mary's recitative : from Des Heilands letzte Stunden (1835) Louis Spohr
Chorale and St. Paul's aria : from Paulus, op. 36 (1836) Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Tenor aria with chorus from Oratorio de Noël : op. 12 (1869) Camille Saint-Saëns
Baritone solo with chorus from Christus : (1872) Franz Liszt
Song of Rhapsodes : from Odysseus, op. 41 (1872) Max Bruch
Recitation and angels' chorus : from Rédemption (1873) César Franck
Narrator's aria from Ève : (1875) Jules Massenet
Chorale and death of Jesus : from La rédemption (1882) Charles Gounod
Ludmila's recitative and Ivan's aria : from Svatá Ludmila, op. 71 (1886) Antonín Dvořák
Gerontius' song : from The dream of Gerontius (1900) Edward Elgar
Lauda Anima e corpo : (1577) Anon.
From Rappresentazione di anima e di corpo (1600) Emilio de' Cavalieri
Dialogo (1611) Biagio Tomasi


by Peter Schleuning ; [introduction] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A.: MCA Music, c1971
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 42, 43
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v. 1. Fantasÿ in fa (1524) Leonhard Kleber
Fantasia (1535) Luys Milan
Preambel oder fantasey : (1536) Hans Newsidler
Fantasia (1536) Francesco da Milano
Fantasia allegra (1596) Andrea Gabrieli
Fantasia sopra quattro soggetti : (1608) Girolamo Frescobaldi
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la : (c. 1610) John Bull
Fantasia Giles Farnaby
Fantasia Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
Fantasia Pieter Cornet
Fantasia (1659) Anthoni van Noordt
(Fantasia) "Sextus versus" of the chorale variations on "Es ist das Heil uns kommen her" Matthias Weckmann
Fantasia (1697) Johann Krieger
Fantasia Johann Pachelbel
Fantasia (1710) Antonio Vivaldi
Fantasia (before 1735) Georg Friedrich Kaufmann
Fantasia (1733) Georg Philipp Telemann
Fantasia Georg Andreas Sorge
Fantasia maestoso Georg Christoph Wagenseil
Fantasia cromatica : cadenza section (before 1730) Johann Sebastian Bach
Chromatische fantasie Johann Ludwig Krebs
Fantasia Johann Ernst Bach
Fantasia (1768) Georg Simon Löhlein
Fantasia allegretto (1768) Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
"Written" version of C.P.E. Bach's "Fantasia allegretto" : (1790) Johann Carl Friedrich Rellstab
v. 2. Fantasia (1770) Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Fantasie, C.P.E. Bach's feelings Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Fantasia (c. 1770) Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
Fantasia (before 1788) Johann Gottfried Müthel
Fantasia (1785) Ernst Wilhelm Wolf
Fantasia (1769) Ernst Wilhelm Wolf
Fantasia con expressione (1784) Johann Christoph Kellner
Fantasia (1789) Johann Christian Kittel
Fantasia KV 383c (Anh. 32), fragment Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Adagio for an organ piece KV 593a (Anh. 35), fragment '(1790?) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Fantasia KV 616a (Anh. 92), fragment (1791) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Fantasia per il clavicenbalo (1797) Christian Gottlob Neefe
Fantasia op. 17 (c. 1803) Johann Wilhalm Hässler
Fantaisie op. 59/2 (c. 1805) Anton Reicha
Fantasia D 993 (c. 1813) Franz Schubert
Grande fantaisie "Effusio musica" : op. 68 (1826) Friedrich Kalkbrenner
Fantasie "Die Nacht" : op. 392 no. 2 (c. 1837) Carl Czerny
Fantasy piece on motives from "Rienzi" : (1860) Franz Liszt
Fantasie (1903) Béla Bartók
Fantasia (1909) Ferruccio Busoni
Fantasy for violin with piano accompaniment op. 47 (1949) Arnold Schoenberg
v. 1. Fantasÿ in fa (1524) Leonhard Kleber
Fantasia (1535) Luys Milan
Preambel oder fantasey : (1536) Hans Newsidler


by Erich Schenk ; [introduction] translated from the German by Robert Kolben
出版情報: Cologne : A. Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., Leeds Music Corp., c1970
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 35
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Canzon a tre per due canti e basso continuo, from Georgius Victorinus' 《Philomela cœlestis》 : (München 1624) Johann Stadlmayr
Balletto per due cornetti e basso continuo no. 31, from 《Deliciæ studiosorum》 part 3 : (Nürnberg 1643) Johann Erasmus Kindermann
Sonata a due per violino, viola da gamba e basso continuo (1672) Johann Heinrich Schmelzer
Sonata e suite no. 6 a due per due violini e basso continuo, from 1. Theil Zweistimmiger Sonaten und Suiten : (Hamburg 1674) Dietrich Becker
Tombeau de Mr. Meliton : from Piêces à une et à deux violes (Paris 1686) Marin Marais
Sonata a tre no. 4 from Sonate a tre, doi violini e violone, ò arcileuto, col basso per l'organo op. 1 (1695) John Ravenscroft
Sonata a due violini e basso continuo (ca. 1730) Mathias Sigismund Biechteler
Sonata a tre no. 6 from Eight sonatas for two German flutes or violins with a bass for the violoncello or harpsichord (London 1759) Johann Gottlieb Graun
Trio in F major (ca. 1760) Georg Christoph Wagenseil
Canzon a tre per due canti e basso continuo, from Georgius Victorinus' 《Philomela cœlestis》 : (München 1624) Johann Stadlmayr
Balletto per due cornetti e basso continuo no. 31, from 《Deliciæ studiosorum》 part 3 : (Nürnberg 1643) Johann Erasmus Kindermann
Sonata a due per violino, viola da gamba e basso continuo (1672) Johann Heinrich Schmelzer


by Günter Hausswald ; [prefatory matter] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., MCA Music, c1974
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 45
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L'Euridice : prologo, 1600 Jacopo Peri
L'Euridice : prologo, 1600 Giulio Caccini
Rappresentazione di anima e di corpo : scene, 1600 Emilio de' Cavalieri
Le nuove musiche : aria, 1601 Giulio Caccini
Concerto ecclesiastico : fratres ego enim accepi, 1602 Lodovico Viadana
Dafne : prologo, 1607 Marco da Gagliano
L'Orfeo : moresca, 1607 Claudio Monteverdi
Lamento d'Arianna : lamento, 1608 Claudio Monteverdi
Symphoniae sacrae I. Paratum cor meum : op. 6, SWV 257, 1629 Heinrich Schütz
Kleines geistliches Konzert : "Eile, mich, Gott zu erretten", SWV 282, 1636 Heinrich Schütz
Musica boscareccia : "Frau Nachtigall mit süßem Schall", 1621 Johann Hermann Schein
Sant' Alessio : sinfonia per introduzione de prologo, 1632 Steffano Landi
Aria "Laus tantae Nymphae nescit habere modum" : 1640 Heinrich Albert
Florilegium secundum : overture, 1698 Georg Muffat
Alarico : Lidoro's recitative, 1687 Agostino Steffani
Placidissime catene : c. 1720 Agostino Steffani
Sonata da chiesa : op. 1 no. 1, 1683 Arcangelo Corelli
Sonata da camera op. 4 no. 3, 1694 Arcangelo Corelli
Harmonische Freude harmonischer Freunde : "Dem Geld wird all's zu teil, nur daß die Zeit nicht feil", 1770 Philipp Heinrich Erlebach
Costanza e fortezza : 1723 Johann Joseph Fux
Sonata, c. 1700 Tommaso Albinoni
L'inganno fedele. Polidor's aria, 1714 Reinhard Keiser
Concerto da chiesa : op. 2 no. 5, between 1712 and 1714 Evaristo Felice dall'Abaco
Sonata da chiesa : op. 3 no. 2, between 1712 and 1715 Evaristo Felice dall'Abaco
Pimpinone. Vespetta's aria, 1725 Georg Philipp Telemann
Cantata, Mia climene adorata : between 1710 and 1716 Johann David Heinichen
Cantata, BWV 144, between 1723 and 1727 Johann Sebastian Bach
Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf : BWV 226a, 1729 Johann Sebastian Bach
Musical songbook, BWV 439-441, 1736 Johann Sebastian Bach
Sonata, BWV 1023, c. 1720 Johann Sebastian Bach
Sonata, BWV 1014, c. 1720 Johann Sebastian Bach
Water music : overture, 1715/16 George Frederick Handel
Concerto, c. 1720 Johann Georg Pisendel
Sonata op. 1 no. 5, 1722 Johann Adam Birchenstock
Sonata, c. 1720 Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel
Arminio. 1. act, 1. scene, 1745 Johann Adolf Hasse
Sonata op. 4 no. 2, c. 1733 Jean Joseph Mondonville
Sinfonia a 4, c. 1760 Franz Tuma
Singende Muse an der Pleiße : 1736 Johannes Sigismund Scholze
Artaserse : sinfonia, 1. part, 1749 Nicolò Jommelli
Paride ed Elena : overture, 1770 Christoph Willibald Gluck
Sinfonia a 6 op. 8 no. 5, 1763 Johann Stamitz
Sonata, KV 212, 1775 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
L'Euridice : prologo, 1600 Jacopo Peri
L'Euridice : prologo, 1600 Giulio Caccini
Rappresentazione di anima e di corpo : scene, 1600 Emilio de' Cavalieri


by Marius Schneider ; [introduction] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., MCA Music, c1972
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 44
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by Hubert Unverricht ; [prefatory matter] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A.: MCA Music, c1975
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 46
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Quartet for 2 violins, viola, bass (violoncello) and double bass, c. 1765 Roman Hoffstetter
Feldpartie : for 2 clarinets in B flat, 2 horns in E flat and 2 bassoons, c. 1770 Joseph Sacher
Trio a serenade, op. 12, no. 5 for violin, viola, bass and 2 horns ad lib., printed 1773. 3rd and 4th movements Johann Baptist Vanhal
Serenata notturna for 2 violins and violoncello, c. 1770/1775 Wolfgang Kirmayr
Quatuor concertant, no. 6 of the 22e livre des quatuors (Trimpert no. 138) for 2 violins, viola and bass, printed 1785 Giovanni Giuseppe Cambini
Duetto for 2 flutes, 1786 at the latest Johann Matthias Sperger
Concertino for flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, bassoon and harp, c. 1815. 1st movt. Joseph Weigl
First great trio for piano, violin and violoncello, op. 102, 1861. 1st movt. Joachim Raff
Quintet for oboe, clarinet in B flat, horn in E flat, bassoon and piano, op. 43, c. 1885. 3rd movt. Heinrich von Herzogenberg
Bars 1-16 of the Movement for string trio, op. posth. (1925) Anton Webern
4th string quartet, 1928. 4th movt. Béla Bartók
Zwanzig Gruppen : for piccolo, oboe and clarinet in A (oboe part and performance directions) Bo Nilsson
Quartet for 2 violins, viola, bass (violoncello) and double bass, c. 1765 Roman Hoffstetter
Feldpartie : for 2 clarinets in B flat, 2 horns in E flat and 2 bassoons, c. 1770 Joseph Sacher
Trio a serenade, op. 12, no. 5 for violin, viola, bass and 2 horns ad lib., printed 1773. 3rd and 4th movements Johann Baptist Vanhal


by Günter Hausswald ; [introduction] translated from the German by Robert Kolben
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., MCA Music, c1970
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 34
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Serenata from Selva (1590), arranged from the original parts Orazio Vecchi
Sinfonia from the serenata Il barcheggio (1680) Alessandro Stradella
Sinfonia of the Serenata di Moritzburg (1719) Johann David Heinichen
Sinfonia from the operatic serenade Le cinesi (1754) Christoph Willibald Gluck
Paduana no. 6 from Musicalische Tafelfreudt (1621) Isaac Posch
First part of intrada from Servizio di tavola (1757) Karl Georg von Reutter
Musica vespertina lipsica : (1669) Johann Christoph Pezel
"La paix" : 3rd movement of Concerto for orchestra no 26, music for the royal fireworks (1749) George Frederick Handel
Ciacone and retirada from Serenade a 5 (1673) Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
Marche from the serenade in Concentus musico-instrumentalis (1701) Johann Joseph Fux
Menuet from Divertimento in D Johann Christoph Mann
Allegro from Serenata (1774) Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf
Polonese from Divertimento in G major (1785) Michael Haydn
Marcia from Notturno no. 1 in C major, Hob. II.25 (1790) Joseph Haydn
Marche from Divertimento militare (1756) Leopold Mozart
Marcia, allegro, and andante from Cassation K. 63 (1769) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
First part of andante from Notturno K. 286 (1776) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Allegro maestoso -- allegro molto from Haffner serenade K. 250 (1776) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Menuetto I and II from Serenade in D major op. 11 (1858) Johannes Brahms
Beginning of 1st movement of Serenade in E flat major op. 6 (1896) Josef Suk
Italienische serenade : (1892) Hugo Wolf
Larghetto from Serenade in E minor op. 20 (1892) Edward Elgar
Beginning of allegro moderato from Serenade in G major op. 95 (1906) Max Reger
Notturno (1951) Mátyás Seiber
Romanze, serenade, and Nachtstück from Serenata (1955) Günter Bialas
Beginning of vif from Sérénade (1959) Jean Françaix
Serenata from Selva (1590), arranged from the original parts Orazio Vecchi
Sinfonia from the serenata Il barcheggio (1680) Alessandro Stradella
Sinfonia of the Serenata di Moritzburg (1719) Johann David Heinichen


by Hellmuth Christian Wolff ; [introduction] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., MCA Music, c1972
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 41
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Chanson "Languir me fais" : (1528), mit den Veranderungen von Adrianus Petit Coclico (1552) Claudin de Sermisy
Chanson "C'est à grant tort" : (1529), mit den Verzierungen von Adrianus Petit Coclico (1552) Claudin de Sermisy
Madrigal "Beato me direi" I/II : (Petrarca) (1569), mit verziertem Sopran von Girolamo dalla Casa (1584) Cipriano de Rore
Canzone "Alla dolc' ombra" I/VI : (Petrarca) (1550), mit Verzierungen von Girolamo dalla Casa (1584) Cipriano de Rore
Madrigal "Io son ferito, ahi lasso" : (1561), mit den Verzierungen von Giovanni B. Bovicelli (1594) und Motettenfassung "Ave verum corpus", mit Verzierungen von Palestrina Pierluigi da Palestrina
Drei geistliche Motetten (1634), mit den unverzierten Fassungen von Schonsleder (1631) und von J.A. Herbst (1642 und 1653) Ignazio Donati. O Maria, Dei genitrix
Inclina Mater, misericordia aures tuae
Ego dormio et cor meum vigilat
Vier "Airs" (1668), mit eigenen Veränderungen der zweiten Strophen, für Sopran und Basso continuo (Laute) Bénigne de Bacilly. Puisque Phillis est infidèle
Petite abeille
Vous ne pouvez, Iris
Vous savez donner de l'amour
Aus der Oper "Rinaldo" (1711) : Arie für Alt, Streicher und Basso continuo, mit den Gesangsverzierungen rekonstruiert nach der Cembalofassung des W. Babell Georg Friedrich Händel
Aus der Oper "Ottone" (1723) : drei Arien der Teofane für Alt und Orchester mit Basso continuo, mit den Verzierungen von Gaetano Guadagni (ca. 1751) Georg Friedrich Händel. Affanni del pensier
Alla fama dimmi il vero
Benche mi sia crudele
Aus der Kantate no. 32 "Der Gerechte muß viel leiden" (1720) : Arie für Sopran und Orchester mit Basso continuo, mit den Originalverzierungen Graupners Christoph Graupner
Aus der Oper "Cleofide" (1731) : Arie der Cleofide für Sopran, Streicher und Basso continuo, mit den Gesangsverzierungen von Faustina Hasse, Friedrich II. von Preußen Johann Adolf Hasse
Lied aus der Oper "Die verkehrte Welt" (1728), mit "komischen Veränderungen" von Telemann Georg Philipp Telemann
Chanson "Languir me fais" : (1528), mit den Veranderungen von Adrianus Petit Coclico (1552) Claudin de Sermisy
Chanson "C'est à grant tort" : (1529), mit den Verzierungen von Adrianus Petit Coclico (1552) Claudin de Sermisy
Madrigal "Beato me direi" I/II : (Petrarca) (1569), mit verziertem Sopran von Girolamo dalla Casa (1584) Cipriano de Rore


by Hellmuth Christian Wolff ; translated from the German by Robert Kolben
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., MCA Music, c1971-c1975
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 38, 39, 40
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v. 1. Dalle più alte sfere : solo madrigal from the 1st intermezzo of "La pellegrina" : Florence 1589 Antonio Archilei
Per quel vago boschetto : messenger scene from "L'Euridice" : Florence 1600 Giulio Caccini
Piange ninfe : lament from "La Dafne" : Mantua 1608 Marco da Gagliano
Possente spirto : Orpheus' lament from "L'Orfeo" : Mantua 1607 Claudio Monteverdi
Partiti, move il piè : Ulysses and the suitors from "Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria" : Venice 1641 Claudio Monteverdi
O morte gradita : Alessio's aria from "Il San Alessio" : Rome 1632 Stefano Landi
Düstere Wolken : thunderstorm scene from "Seelewig" : Nuremberg 1644 Sigmund Theophil Staden
Son quì, che, che, chiedi? : stutter scene from "Il Giasone" : Venice 1649 Francesco Cavalli
Sposa, figlio, hor è tempo : death scene from "Il Pompeo Magno" : Venice 1666 Francesco Cavalli
Ah quanto è vero : Venus' aria from "Il pomo d'oro" : Vienna 1668 Marc' Antonio Cesti
S'un Ercole amante : Ottone's aria from "L'Adelaide" : Venice 1672 Antonio Sartorio
Giosci alma mia : Gisilla's aria from "L'Adelaide" : Venice 1672 Antonio Sartorio
Voi ninfe d'amore : Fama's aria from "Antonino e Pompejano" : Venice 1677 Antonio Sartorio
Bei fioretti : Alinda's aria from "Il Candaule" : Venice 1679 Pietro Andrea Ziani
Si bella bocca : Alinda's and Candaule's aria from "Il Candaule" : Venice 1679 Pietro Andrea Ziani
Che ti feci : Candaule's aria from "Il Candaule" : Venice 1679 Pietro Andrea Ziani
Lasciami gelosia : Claudio's aria from "Messalina" : Venice 1680 Carlo Pallavicini
Voglio goder ogn'hora : Messalina's aria from "Messalina" : Venice 1680 Carlo Pallavicini
Vitaliano, il di cui nome vola : farewell scene from "Il Giustino" : Venice 1683 Giovanni Legrenzi
Komm! ach komm! O süßer Tod : Dorisbe's aria from "Orontes" : Hamburg 1678 Johann Theile
Was ist doch das menschliche Leben : from "Cara Mustapha" : Hamburg 1686 Johann Wolfgang Franck
Kanstu dieses Unrecht sehen : Bassa Ibrahim's aria from "Cara Mustapha" : Hamburg 1686 Johann Wolfgang Franck
Wiltu der Gesundheit pflegen : Barac's aria from "Cara Mustapha" : Hamburg 1686 Johann Wolfgang Franck
Bleibt immer der Schmerze, mein Herze, bei dir? : Murat's aria from "Bajazeth und Tamerlan" : Hamburg 1690 Johann Philipp Foertsch
Da mein Leben mir entweichet : Daliso's aria from "Erindo" : Hamburg 1693 Johann Sigismund Kusser
Dans le piège fatal : slumber scene from "Armide" : Paris 1686 Jean-Baptist Lully
Gott ist König auf der Welt : angels' chorus from "Nebukadnezar" : Zittau 1684 Johann Philipp Krieger
Die regia salma : ghost scene from "Servio Tullio" : Munich 1685 Agostino Steffani
Le saette del Tonante : Alarico's aria from "Alarico" : Munich 1687 Agostino Steffani
Per vostro onor un fulmine vibrate : Rosaura's aria from "La Rosaura" : Rome 1690 Alessandro Scarlatti
Chi ben ama : Termanzia's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
In quel piè legato ho il core : Placidia's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
Vacillante è il regno mio : Onorio's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
Suivons l'aimable paix : Termanzia's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
Usignoli, che cantate per amor : aria (duet) Termanzio-Onorio from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
v. 2. Appearance of Venus : from Hésione (Paris 1701) André Campra
Croesus' aria : from Croesus : (Hamburg 1710) Reinhard Keiser
Silvamire's aria : from L'inganno fedele : (Hamburg 1714) Reinhard Keiser
Emma's aria : from Emma und Eginhard : (Hamburg 1728) Georg Philipp Telemann
Almirena's aria : from Rinaldo : (London 1711) George Frederick Handel
Gualtiero's aria : from La Griselda : (London 1722) Giovanni Battista Bononcini
Arianna's recitative and aria : from Il Giustino : (Rome 1724) Antonio Vivaldi
Pimpinone's aria : from Pimpinone : (Hamburg 1725) Georg Philipp Telemann
Claudius' aria : from Ludovicus Pius : (Brunswick 1726) Georg Caspar Schürmann
The beggar's opera : (London 1728). Rinaldo march Johann Christoph Pepusch
Sir John's air : from The devil to pay : (London 1731) Mr. Seedo
Ezio's recitative : from Ezio : (Naples 1730) Johann Adolf Hasse
Les Incas de Pérou : from Indes Galantes : (Paris 1735). Song to the sun Jean-Philippe Rameau
Andromaca's aria : from L'Andromaca : (Naples 1742) Leonardo Leo
Leucippo's aria : from Leucippo : (Dresden 1747) Johann Adolf Hasse
Montezuma's aria : from Montezuma : (Berlin 1755) Carl Heinrich Graun
Orfeo's aria : from Orfeo ed Euridice : (Vienna 1762) Christoph Willibald Gluck
Annette's ariette : from Annette et Lubin : (Paris 1762) by Marie-Justine and Charles-Simon Favart ; music by Benjamin de la Borde
Lieschen's song : from Die Liebe auf dem Lande : (Leipzig 1768) Johann Adam Hiller
Tagliaferro's aria : from La Buona Figluola : (Rome 1760) Nicola Piccinni
Fetonte's accompanied recitative and aria : from Fetonte : (Ludwigsburg 1768) Niccolò Jommelli
Louise's air : from Le déserteur : (Paris 1769) Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny
Aspasia's accompanied recitative and aria : from Mitridate, Rè di Ponto : (Milan 1770) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Recitative of Alceste and Admetus, and Alceste's aria : from Alceste : (Wermar 1773) Anton Schweitzer
Medea : (Leipzig 1775) Georg Benda
Sophie's song : from Die Bergknappen : (Vienna 1778) Ignaz Umlauff
v. 3. La vestale : Paris 1807. Julia's arioso and recitative from act II Gasparo Spontini
La muette de Portici : Paris 1828. Scene and beginning of the finale from act II Daniel François Esprit Auber
Les Huguenots : Paris 1836. Excerpt from the finale of act IV Giacomo Meyerbeer
Joseph : Paris 1807. Joseph's aria : act I, scene 1 Etienne Nicolas Méhul
Fra Diavolo : Paris 1830. Scene with Zerline's prayer : act II, scene 10 Daniel François Esprit Auber
Dinorah (La pardon de Ploermel) : Paris 1859. Invocation scene from act I Giacomo Meyerbeer
Philémon et Baucis : Paris 1860. Beginning of act I, duet for Philémon and Baucis Charles Gounod
L'Italiana in Algeri : Venice 1813. Isabella's aria, act II Giaocchino Rossini
La sonnambula : Milan 1831. Scene and aria from act II Vincenzo Bellini
Norma : Milan 1831. Norma's prayer : from act I Vincenzo Bellini
La forza del destino : St. Petersburg 1862. Leonore-Father Guardian scene : from act II Giuseppe Verdi
La bohème : Turin 1896. Musette's waltz : from act II Gizcomo Puccini
Faust : Prague 1816. Röschen's cavatina Louis Spohr
Faust : Prague 1816. Mephisto's aria Louis Spohr
Undine : Berlin 1816. Undine's farewell : from act III Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann
Euryanthe : Vienna 1823. Lysiart's scene and aria, beginning of act II Carl Maria von Weber
Hans Sachs : Leipzig 1840. Cordula's aria : from act III Albert Lortzing
Tristan and Isolde : Munich 1865. Death of Tristan : from act III Richard Wagner
Halka : Warsaw 1858. Jontek's song : from act IV Stanislav Moniuszko
Dalibor : Prague 1868. Duet for Milada and Dalibor : from act II Bedřich Smetana
Prince Igor : St. Petersburg 1890. Chorus of the Polovtsian maidens : from act II Alexander Borodin
Sadko : Moscow 1898. Song of the Indian merchant : from the 4th tableau Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov
v. 1. Dalle più alte sfere : solo madrigal from the 1st intermezzo of "La pellegrina" : Florence 1589 Antonio Archilei
Per quel vago boschetto : messenger scene from "L'Euridice" : Florence 1600 Giulio Caccini
Piange ninfe : lament from "La Dafne" : Mantua 1608 Marco da Gagliano


Matthew Locke & Christopher Gibbons ; edited by Edward J. Dent
出版情報: London : published for the Musica Britannica Trust established by the Royal Musical Association, 1974
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 2
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Arne, Milton, Dalton ; edited by Julian Herbage
出版情報: London : published for the Musica Britannica Trust established by Royal Musical Association, 1974
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 3
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Act 1. Song, now phoebus sinketh in the west
Song, by dimpl'd brook
Duet, from tyrant laws and customs free
Song, by the gayly circling glass
Song, sweet eccho
Song, fly swiftly, ye minutes
Chorus, away, away
Act 2. Song, Fame's an eccho
Song, would you taste the noontide air?
Trio, live and love, enjoy the fair
Act 3. Song, come, come, bid adieu to fear
Recit, how gentle was by Damon's air
Ballad, on ev'ry hill in ev'ry grove
Recit, love, the greatest bliss below
Ballad, the wanton god
Recit, from the realms of peace above
Song, nor on beds of fanding flow'rs
Song, preach me not your musty rules
Song, ye fawns, and ye dryads
Song, Saburina fair
Song, by the rushy-fringed bank
Recit, gentle swain, and song, thrice upon thy finger's tip
Chorus, taught by virtue
Act 1. Song, now phoebus sinketh in the west
Song, by dimpl'd brook


edited by John Stevens
出版情報: London : published for the Musica Britannica Trust establised by Royal Musical association, Stainer and Bell, 1970
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 4
所蔵情報: loading…


transcribed and edited by Philip Brett
出版情報: London : published for the Royal Musical Association [by] Stainer and Bell, 1974
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 22
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O Death, rock me asleep Anon
Alas, alack, my heart is woe Anon
Come tread the paths (Guichardo) Anon
Farewell the bliss Anon
Enforc'd by love and fear Robert Parsons
Pour down, you pow'rs divine (Pandolpho) Robert Parsons
No grief is like to mine [Robert Parsons]
Ah, alas, you salt sea gods (Abradad) Richard Farrant
O Jove, from stately throne Richard Farrant
A doleful deadly pang Nicholas Strogers
Send forth thy sighs Nathaniel Pattrick
Prepare to die Nathaniel Pattrick
Like as the day Patrick Mando
For death of her William Cobbold
Ye mortal wights William Cobbold
Cease now, vain thoughts Nathaniel Giles
O thrice-blessed earthbed John Tomkins
How can the tree Anon
In terrors trapp'd Anon
Mistrust misdeems amiss Anon
The saint I serve Anon
Mistrust not truth [Nicholas?] Strogers
O heav'nly God [Nicholas?] Strogers
When May is in his prime Anon
Ah, silly poor Joas Anon
My little sweet darling Anon
Without redress Anon
In paradise Anon
Amids my bale William Cobbold
The haughty hearts William Cobbold
Fie, fie, my fate [William?] Mundy
Come, Charon, come Anon
Climb not too high Nathaniel Pattrick
Eliza is the fairest Queen Edward Johnson
Come again Edward Johnson
My mind to me Anon
My heart doth pant for sorrow Anon
Complain with tears Anon
What first did break thee Anon
Come, Holy Ghost Anon
O Lord of whom I do depend Anon
O Lord, turn not away thy face Anon
Now Israel may say John Cosyn
Except the Lord the house do make John Cosyn
Lord, to thee I make my moan John Cosyn
Yield unto God John Cosyn
Ne reminiscaris John Wilbye
Born is the Babe Anon
Eliza, her name gives honour John Bennet
Venus' birds John Bennet
Cuckoo [Richard Nicholson?]
In a merry May morn Richard Nicholson
Joan, quoth John Richard Nicholson
No more, good herdsman, of thy song Richard Nicholson
Sweet, they say such virtue lies in your lips [Richard Nicholson?]
I am not I of such belief (I) Richard Nicholson
I am not I of such belief (II) William Wigthorpe
Were I made juror William Wigthorpe
Smiths are good fellows William Wigthorpe
Of all jolly pastimes Anon
What meat eats the Spaniard? Anon
Hold, lingel, hold Anon
The dark is my delight Anon
This merry pleasant Spring Anon
When Daphne from fair Phoebus did fly Anon
Sweet was the song the Virgin sung Anon
Sorrow, come John Dowland
The cries of London Thomas Weelkes
The cries of London Orlando Gibbons
The cry of London Anon
The city cries Richard Dering
The country cries Richard Dering
New fashions William Cobbold
O Death, rock me asleep Anon
Alas, alack, my heart is woe Anon
Come tread the paths (Guichardo) Anon


John Jenkins ; transcribed and edited by Andrew Ashbee
出版情報: London : published for the Royal Musical Association [by] Stainer and Bell, 1975
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 26
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Air in G minor
Air in D minor
Pavan in F major
Air in F major
Air in C major
Air [fantasia] in C major
Air in E minor
Air in D major
"Newark siege" in D major
Galliard in D major
Air in A minor
Fantasia in A minor
Pavan in A minor
Pavan in B♭ major
Air in B♭ major
Fantasia in B♭ major
Suite no. 1 in G minor
Suite no. 2 in A minor
Suite no. 3 in D minor
Suite no. 4 in F major
Suite no. 5 in B♭ major
Suite no. 6 in F major
Suite no. 7 in E minor
Suite no. 8 in D major
Fantasia no. 7 in C minor
Fantasia no. 9 in C minor
Fantasia no. 12 in D major
Fantasia no. 15 in C major
Fantasia no. 16 in D minor
Alman [4] in C major
[Alman] [7] in C minor
Alman [10] in D major
Alman [11] in D major
Air [25] in G major
Alman [31] in G minor
Corant [38] in C major
Corant [39] in C minor
Corant [41] in D minor
Pavan [46] in A minor
Pavan [47] in D minor
Pavan [51] in G minor
Air in G minor
Air in D minor
Pavan in F major


Thomas Linley ; transcribed and edited by Gwilym Beechey
出版情報: London : published for the Misica Britannica Trust established by the Royal Musical Association [by] Stainer and Bell, 1970
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 30
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Chorus: o guardian of that sacred land
Recit: "tis thine alone"
Air: come then, o fancy
Recit: at Shakespeare's happy birth
Air: and now is come
Chorus: be Shakespeare born
Recit: so spake the god
Air: there in old Arden's inmost shade
Recit: and as before
Air: thy hand his youthful footsteps led
Air: some drive the cham'rous owl away
Chorus: some drive the cham'rous owl away
Recit: but oh! What suden gloom
Quartet: by the pale light
Recit: see through the glimmering darkness
Chorus: what howling whirlwinds
Recit: for whom, at yonder lived flame
Air: whither ye beldames
Chorus: the tempests cease
Resit: no more the elves
Air: ariel, who sees thee now
Recit: no more shalt thou
Duet: for who can wield
Chorus: yet, fancy, once again
Chorus: o guardian of that sacred land
Recit: "tis thine alone"


transcribed and edited by Ian Spink
出版情報: London : published for the Misica Britannica Trust established by the Royal Musical Association [by] Stainer and Bell, 1977
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 33
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Nicholas Lanier (1588-1666) : Weep no more my wearied eyes
Fire! fire! lo hire I burn (Campian)
Silly heart for bear
No more shall meads be deck'd with flowr's (Carew)
Mark how the blushful morn (Carew)
Love and I of late did part
Like hermit poor in pensive place obscure (Raleigh)
Neither sighs, nor tears, nor mourning
Stay, silly heart, and do not break
Nor com'st thou yet, my slothful love: Recitative
Tell me, shepherd, dost thou love? Dialogue
Robert Ramsey (fl. 1616-1644) : What tears, dear prince, can serve (Raleigh)
Go perjur'd man! and if you e'er return (Herrick)
Thou may'st be proud (Herrick)
Howl not, you ghosts and furies, while I sing: Dialogue (Herrick)
Alfonso (?) Bales (d. 1635) : Chloris sigh'd, and sang, and wept (Pembroke)
Shephen Mace (d. 1635) : Weep no more, nor sigh, nor groan (Beaumont & Fletcher: The queen of Corinth)
John Jenkins (1592-1678) : Cease not, thou heav'nly-voiced glorious creature
Why sigh'st thou, shepherd? Dialogue (Randolph)
John Wilson (1595-1674) : Wherefore peep'st thou, envious day? (Donne?)
Take, o take those lips away (Beaumont & Fletcher: The bloody brothēr)
In a maiden time profess'd (Middleton: The witch)
Languish and despair, my heart!
Turn, turn thy beauteous face away (Beaumont & Fletcher: Love's cure)
Pity of beauty in distress
As tuned harp strings sad notes take
Since love hath in thine and mine eye
Awake, awake! the morn will never rise (Davenant)
In the merry month of May (Breton)
Thou great and good! could I but rate (Montrose)
From the fair lavinian shore
In a season all oppressed
Henry Lawes (1596-1662) : I rise and grieve
Speak, speak, at last reply
Or you, or I, nature did wrong!
Hard-hearted fair, if thou wilt not consent
Sweet stay awhile; why do you rise? (Donne)
Break heart in twain! fair ronile may see
Transcendent beauty, thou that art
O let me groan one word into thine ear (Pembroke)
Slide soft you silver floods
Out upon it, I have lov'd (Suckling)
Come from the dungeon to the throne (Cartwright: The royal slave)
Come my sweet while ev'ry strain (The royal slave)
Now the sun is fled (The royal slave)
Thou, o bright sun, who see'st all (The royal slave)
Wert thou yet fairer than thou art
Whither are all her false oaths blown? (Herrick)
'Tis but a frown, I prithee let me die
No, no, fair heretic, it cannot be (Suckling)
Will you know my mistress' face?
Sleep soft, you cold clay cinders that late clad
Bid me but live, and I will live (Herrick)
Go thou gentle whisp'ing wind (Carew)
When thou, poor excommunicate (Carew)
Have you e'er seen the morning sun (Hughes)
O tell me love! o tell me fate! (Hughes)
Beauty and love once fell at odds
O turn away those cruel eyes (Stanley)
As celia rested in the shade: Dialogue (Carew)
John Hilton (1599-1657) : Thou may'st be proud (Herrick)
Wilt thou forgive the sin where I begun? (Donne)
Am I despis'd because you say (Herrick)
Hang golden sleep upon her eyelids fair
If that I for thy sweet sake
You meaner beauties of the night (Wotton)
Rise, princely shepherd, and be arbiter: Dialogue
Charles Coleman (d. 1664) : Wake my adonis, do not die (Cartwright)
Bright Aurelia, I do owe
Wilt thou be gone, thou heartless man
Change, platonics, change for shame
How am I chang'd from what I was
When Celia I intend do flatter you
Did not you once, Lucinda, vow: Dialogue
Simon Ives (1600-1662) : Will Chloris cast her sun-bright eyes
Go bid the swan in silence die
Shepherd well met, I prithee tell: Dialogue
William Lawes (1602-1645) : Why should great beauty virtuous fame desire (Davenant)
Why so pale and wan, fond lover? (Suckling: Aglaura)
No, no, fair heretic, it needs must be (Aglaura)
To whom shall I camplain; to men or gods?
Pleasures, beauty, youth attend ye (Ford: The lady's trial)
Faith, be no longer coy
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may (Herrick)
Come adonis, come away (Tatham)
Charon, o Charon! hear a wretch oppress'd: Dialogue
William Webb (fl. 1620-1656) : As life what is so sweet
Go and bestride the southern wind
Pow'rful morpheus, let thy charms
Victorious beauty, though your eyes (Townshend)
Since 'tis my fate to be thy slave
Look back Castara from thine eye (Habington)
William Caesar (alias Smegergill) (fl. 1615-1667) : Blow gently passion in my fair one's breast
If any live that fain would prove
Forbear fond swain, I cannot love: Dialogue
George Jeffreys (d. 1685) : Drowsy phoebus, come away: Dialogue (Haustet: The rival friends)
Have pity, grief; I cannot pay (The rival friends)
Cruel! but once again (The rival friends)
John Atkins (d. 1671) : Wert thou yet fairer than thou art
This lady ripe and fair and fresh (Davenant: The just Italian)
When the chill Cherocco blows (Bonham)
I can love for an hour when I'm at leisure
Thomas Brewer (b. 1611) : Mistake me not, I am as cold as hot
O that mine eyes could melt into a flood
Thomas Blagrave (d. 1688) : What means this strangeness now of late? (Aytoun)
John Taylor (fl. 1637-1646) : Tell me not that I die, or live by thee (Tatham)
Lay that sullen garland by thee
Thomas Charles (?-?) : Why will you swear I am forsworn (Lovelace)
Jeremy Savile (d. 1665) : I will not trust thy tempting graces (Stanley)
Edward Coleman (d. 1669) : Why, dearest, should you weep (Cotton)
The glories of our birth and state (Shirley: Ajax und ulysses)
John Goodgroome (d. 1704) : Fret on, fond cupid, curse thy feeble bow
Dost see how unregarded now (Suckling)
Nicholas Lanier (1588-1666) : Weep no more my wearied eyes
Fire! fire! lo hire I burn (Campian)
Silly heart for bear


edited by Kenneth Elliott ; song-texts edited by Helena Mennie Shire
出版情報: London : published for the Royal Musical Association, stainer and Bell, 1975
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 15
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Mass à 3
Mass Rex virginum à 4
Mass L'homme armé à 4 Robert Carver
Mass Felix namque à 6
O bone jesu à 19 Robert Carver
Descendi in hortum meum (from The song of solomon) à 4
Deus misereatur nostri (Psalm 67) à 4 Robert Johnson
Si quis diligit me à 4 or à 5 David Peebles-Francy Heagy
Quam multi, domine (Psalm 3) à 4 David Peebles
Blessed art thou (Psalm 128) à 5 Andro Blackhall
Judge and reverge my cause (Psalm 43) à 5 Andro Blackhall
Te deum (We praise thee, O God) à 4 Andro Kemp
Our father, whiche in heaven art (the Lord's prayer) à 4 John Angus
All my belief (the xii articles of the christian fayth) à 4 John Angus
Three setting of psalm 1 (The man is blest) David Peebles
Three setting of psalm 18 (O God, ny strength and fortitude) David Peebles , [Andro Blackhall?]
Three setting of psalm 113 (Ye children, which do seave the Lord) David Peebles , Andro Kemp
Three setting of psalm 124 (Now Israel may say) David Peebles , Andro Kemp
The gowans are gay
In a garden so green
My heartly service (the pleugh song)
Our father God celestial (the Lord's prayer) [Pierre Cadéac]
Com palefaced death [Robert] Johnson
Woe worth the tyme
Alas that same sueit face
O lusty May
All sons of Adam (the Christmas medley)
O God abufe John Fethy
The time of youth [John Fethy?]
Support your servand
Richt soir opprest
O mortal man
Departe, departe (the lament of the maister of Erskyn) and You lovers all
How suld my febill body fure?
Defiled is my name [Robert] Johnson
Absent I am
Remember me, my deir
The flaming fire
Nou let us sing
Adeu, O desie of delyt and Declair ye banks of Helicon Andro Blackhall
Before the Greeks durst enterpryse or Whenas the greeks
My bailful briest
No wonder is suppose
In throu the windows of myn ees and Psalm 2
Lyk as the dum solsequium [La Grotte, set by?]
Evin dead behold I breathe
What mightie motion
Come, my children dere
Since that my siches
Joy to the person of my love
Care away go thou from me
Where art thou, hope?
Doune in yone gardeine (Christ in gethsemane)
Let not, I say, the sluggish sleep [Andro Melvill?]
Come love, let's walk and The thoughts of men
Walking I chanc'd into a shade
When chill cold age
Begone, sweit night
Then wilt thou goe
Balulalow (ane sang of the birth of Christ and lady Bothwell's lament)
Yee Gods of love
Hollow my fancie [set by] Mr Beck
O're hills, o're mountains (fancy free) [set by] Mr Beck
One yeir begins (lady Lothian's lilt)
Ane exempill of tripla à 4
In nomine à 5 [Robert] Johnson
Prince Edward's paven à 4
The Queine of Ingland's paven à 4
Paven à 4
[Gilliard] à 4
Lytill blak à 3 [John Black]
Ane lessone upon the first psalme à 4 [John Black?]
Ane lessone upon the secund psalme à 4 [John Black?]
My Lord of Marche paven à 4 James Lauder
Ane Ground à 3
Wilson's fantasie à 4 [Wilson?]
Mass à 3
Mass Rex virginum à 4
Mass L'homme armé à 4 Robert Carver


Pelham Humfrey ; transcribed and edited by Peter Dennison
出版情報: London : published for the Misica Britannica Trust established by the Royal Musical Association [by] Stainer and Bell, 1972
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 34, 35
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Vol. 1. Almighty God, who mad'st thy blessed Son
By the waters of Babylon
Haste thee O God
Have mercy upon me O God (I)
Have mercy upon me O God (II)
Hear my crying O God
Hear my prayer O God
Hear O heav'ns
I will always give thanks (The club anthem)
Lift uo your heads
Like as the hart
Lord teach us to number our days
O be joyful
Vol. 2. O give thanks unto the Lord
O Lord my God
O praise the Lord
Rejoice in the Lord o ye righteous
The King shall rejoice
Thou art my King, o God
Service in E minor
Chant in C major
Vol. 1. Almighty God, who mad'st thy blessed Son
By the waters of Babylon
Haste thee O God


transcribed and edited by John Stevens
出版情報: London : published for the Royal Musical Association [by] Stainer and Bell, 1975
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 36
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I have been a foster anon
My woeful heart anon
Be peace! ye make me spill my ale! anon
Absence of you anon
The high desire anon
O blessed lord, how may this be? anon
Thou man, envired with temptation anon
Now help, fortune anon
Fair and discreet anon
Alone, alone, mourning alone T. B.?
My heart is in great mourning anon
Pastime with good company [Henry VIII]
So put in fear I dare not speak anon
Alone, alone; here I am myself anon
In wilderness there found I bess anon
Come over the burn, Bessy anon
Votre trey dowce regaunt tenor from Binchois
Up I arose in verno tempore anon
Hey ho, the mavis on a brere anon
How shall I please? anon
The farther I go, the more behind Newark
Ah, my heart, I know you well anon
What causeth me woeful thoughtes Newark
So far I trow from remedy Newark
My woeful heart in painful weariness Sheryngham
Deemed wrongfully in absent anon
O my desire, what aileth thee? Newark
Let search your mindës eye Hamshere
Love fain would I anon
Now the law is led Davy
That was my woe is now my most Fayrfax
Benedicite! what dreamed I? [Fayrfax]
To complain me, alas [Fayrfax]
Alas, it is I Turges
I am he that hath you daily served Turges
…I play daily their pains anon
But why am I so abused? Newark
Your counterfeiting Newark
Thus musing in my mind Newark
Most clear of colour Fayrfax
I love, loved, and loved would I be Fayrfax
Alas, for lack of her presence Fayrfax
That was my joy is now my woe anon
Somewhat musing Fayrfax
Madame, defrain! anon
O root of truth, O princess Tutor
I love, I love, and whom love ye? Philipps
Complain I may anon
Alone, alone: As I me walked anon
Ah, my dear, ah, my dear son anon
Jesu, mercy, how may this be? Browne
Afraid, alas, and why so suddenly? anon
Woefully arrayed Cornish
Ah, gentle Jesu Sheryngham
Woefully arrayed Browne
My fearful dream Banastir
Ah, blessed Jesu, how fortuned this? Davy
Ah, mine heart, remenber thee well Davy
Margaret meek Browne
Joan is sick and ill at ease Davy
Ay, besherew you! W. Cornish, junior
Who shall have my fair lady? anon
Hoyda, hoyda, jolly rutterkin W. Cornish, junior
From stormy windes Turges
This day day daws anon
Shall pathes to the greenwood anon
Enforce yourself as Goddes knight Turges
Be it known to all that bin here anon
In a slumber late as I was anon
I have been a foster anon
My woeful heart anon
Be peace! ye make me spill my ale! anon


Matthew Locke ; transcribed and edited by Peter Le Huray
出版情報: London : published for the Misica Britannica Trust established by the Royal Musical Association [by] Stainer and Bell, 1976
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 38
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Motets. Ad te levavi oculos meos
Audi, Domine, clamantes ad te
Domini est terra
Jesu auctor clementie
Jubilate Deo omnis terra
Super flumina Babylonis
Anthems. Be thou exalted Lord
How doth the city
I will hear what the Lord God will say
Lord let me know mine end
Not unto us, O Lord
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble
Turn thy face from my sins
When the son of man shall come
Who shall separate us
Motets. Ad te levavi oculos meos
Audi, Domine, clamantes ad te
Domini est terra


Samuel Wesley ; transcribed and edited by John Marsh
出版情報: London : published for the Misica Britannica Trust established by the Royal Musical Association [by] Stainer and Bell, 1978
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 41
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