

by Günther Massenkeil ; [prefatory matter] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : A. Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., Leeds Music Corp., 1970
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 37
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Lauda Anima e corpo : (1577) Anon.
From Rappresentazione di anima e di corpo (1600) Emilio de' Cavalieri
Dialogo (1611) Biagio Tomasi
From Repraesentatio harmonica conceptionis et nativitatis S. Joannis Baptistae (c. 1618) Daniel Bollius
From Dialogo (The offering of Isaac) : (1619) Giovanni Francesco Anerio
Recitative and aria ("Romanesca") from S. Tommaso (1640) Marco Marazzoli
Chorus of Israelites, dialogue between Jephthah and his daughter, and final-chorus : from Jephte (c. 1645) Giacomo Carissimi
From Vom reichen Manne und Lazaro : (1649) Andreas Fromm
From Adam : (c. 1650) Bonifazio Graziani
Quartet of the elements from the Sepolcro : Il lutto dell'universo : (1668) Kaiser Leopold I
Herod's aria : from S. Giovanni Battista (1675) Alessandro Stradella
Trio Ismaele-Agar-Abramo : from Agar et Ismaele esiliati (1683) Alessandro Scarlatti
From Le reniement de St-Pierre : (c. 1690) Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Dialogue of the angel and the shepherds : from Oratorio de Noël (1701) Jacques-François Lochon
St. John's aria : from La resurrezione (1708) G.F. Händel
St. Petronio's aria : from S. Tetronio (1720) Giacomo Antonio Perti
Introduction and recitative albin and guide from Die Pilgrime auf Golgatha : (1742) Johann Adolf Hasse
Recitative and chorale from Der Tod Jesu : (1755) Carl Heinrich Graun
Dialogue of Mary and Martha : from Die Auferweckung Lazarus (1773) Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach
Recitative and shepherds' march from La nativité : (1774) François-Joseph Gossec
Recitative of Jesus and chorus of warriors : from Christus am Ölberge, op. 85 (1803) Ludwig van Beethoven
Raphael's aria : from Das Weltgericht (1819) Friedrich Schneider
Chorus from Premier oratorio pour le couronnement : (1825?) Jean François Le Sueur
Peter's aria and Mary's recitative : from Des Heilands letzte Stunden (1835) Louis Spohr
Chorale and St. Paul's aria : from Paulus, op. 36 (1836) Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Tenor aria with chorus from Oratorio de Noël : op. 12 (1869) Camille Saint-Saëns
Baritone solo with chorus from Christus : (1872) Franz Liszt
Song of Rhapsodes : from Odysseus, op. 41 (1872) Max Bruch
Recitation and angels' chorus : from Rédemption (1873) César Franck
Narrator's aria from Ève : (1875) Jules Massenet
Chorale and death of Jesus : from La rédemption (1882) Charles Gounod
Ludmila's recitative and Ivan's aria : from Svatá Ludmila, op. 71 (1886) Antonín Dvořák
Gerontius' song : from The dream of Gerontius (1900) Edward Elgar
Lauda Anima e corpo : (1577) Anon.
From Rappresentazione di anima e di corpo (1600) Emilio de' Cavalieri
Dialogo (1611) Biagio Tomasi


by Heinrich Hüschen ; [introduction] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : A. Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., MCA Music, c1975
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 47
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Zweistimmige Motette aus dem Kodex Huelgas (13. Jh.)
Dreistimmige Motette aus dem Kodex Bamberg (13. Jh.)
Dreistimmige Motette aus dem Kodex Montpellier (13. Jh.)
Vierstimmige Motette aus dem Kodex Montpellier (13. Jh.)
In arboris empiro Philippe de Vitry
Biaute paree de valour Guillaume de Machaut
O felix templum jubila Johannes Ciconia
Quam pulcra es John Dunstable
Flos florum, fons ortorum Guillaume Dufay
Alma redemptoris Mater Johannes Ockeghem
Parce, Domine Jacob Obrecht
O bone Jesu Loyset Compère
Tribulatio et angustia Josquin Desprez
Ave Regina caelorum Pierre de la Rue
O Thoma, laus et gloria Adrian Willaert
Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist Johannes Walter
Peccantem me quotidie Philippe de Monte
Rex pacificus Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Heroum soboles, amor orbis Orlando di Lasso
Gavisi sunt discipuli Giovanni Maria Nanino
Pastores loquebantur Tomás Luis de Victoria
Laetentur coeli Jacobus Gallus
Christ ist erstanden Johannes Eccard
Domine exaudi Giovanni Gabrieli
Qui vult venire post me Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
Jubilate Deo Hans Leo Haßler
Laudate Dominum Claudio Monteverdi
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr Michael Praetorius
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt Melchior Franck
So fahr ich hin Heinrich Schütz
De profundis clamavi Orazio Benevoli
Dies ist der Tag Philipp Heinrich Erlebach
Ave Regina Johann Joseph Fux
Es segne uns Gott Georg Philipp Telemann
In dulci jubilo Gregor Joseph Werner
Libera me, Domine Johann Michael Haydn
Qui seminant in lacrimis Franz Liszt
Tantum ergo Anton Bruckner
Mond und Menschen Arnold Schönberg
Pastores loquebantur Paul Hindemith
Die zwei Blinden Johann Nepomuk David
Taube auf dem Dach Ernst Krenek
Ich habe alles Dinges ein Ende gesehen Ernst Pepping
Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott Hugo Distler
Zweistimmige Motette aus dem Kodex Huelgas (13. Jh.)
Dreistimmige Motette aus dem Kodex Bamberg (13. Jh.)
Dreistimmige Motette aus dem Kodex Montpellier (13. Jh.)


Donizetti ; [編集, 岡村喬生]
出版情報: Tokyo : Zen-on Music, c1970
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Ah! rammenta, o bella Irene : cavatina = ああ美しいイレーネよ思い出しておくれ
A mezzanotte : arietta = 真夜中に
Amore e morte : arietta = 愛と死
È morta = あの女は死んだ
Eterno amore e fé = 久遠の愛と誠
Il barcaiolo : barcarola = 舟人
Il pescatore : ballata = 漁夫
Il sospiro = 溜め息
La conocchia : canzone napoletana = 糸巻き
La corrispondenza amorosa = 愛の文通
La derniére nuit d'un novice (L'ultima notte di un novizio) = 見習い僧の最後の夜
La lotananza : arietta = 遥かに
La mère et l'enfant = 母と子
L'amor funesto = 不吉な死
La ninna nanna = 子守歌
La Sultana = サルタンの妃
La zingara = ジプシーの女
Le crépuscule : romanza = 曙
Lu trademiento : canzone napoletana = 裏切り
Meine Liebe (L'amor mio) = わたしの愛
Me voglio fà 'na casa : canzone napoletana = わたしは家をつくりたい
Ne ornerà la bruna chioma : scena e cavatina = 褐色の髪を飾るだろう
Su l'onda tremola = 波の上に
Una lacrima : preghiera = 一滴の涙
Ah! rammenta, o bella Irene : cavatina = ああ美しいイレーネよ思い出しておくれ
A mezzanotte : arietta = 真夜中に
Amore e morte : arietta = 愛と死


by Georg Reichert ; [introduction translated from the German by William Pistone]
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A.: MCA Music, c1974
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 27
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by Hellmuth Christian Wolff ; [introduction] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., MCA Music, c1972
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 41
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Chanson "Languir me fais" : (1528), mit den Veranderungen von Adrianus Petit Coclico (1552) Claudin de Sermisy
Chanson "C'est à grant tort" : (1529), mit den Verzierungen von Adrianus Petit Coclico (1552) Claudin de Sermisy
Madrigal "Beato me direi" I/II : (Petrarca) (1569), mit verziertem Sopran von Girolamo dalla Casa (1584) Cipriano de Rore
Canzone "Alla dolc' ombra" I/VI : (Petrarca) (1550), mit Verzierungen von Girolamo dalla Casa (1584) Cipriano de Rore
Madrigal "Io son ferito, ahi lasso" : (1561), mit den Verzierungen von Giovanni B. Bovicelli (1594) und Motettenfassung "Ave verum corpus", mit Verzierungen von Palestrina Pierluigi da Palestrina
Drei geistliche Motetten (1634), mit den unverzierten Fassungen von Schonsleder (1631) und von J.A. Herbst (1642 und 1653) Ignazio Donati. O Maria, Dei genitrix
Inclina Mater, misericordia aures tuae
Ego dormio et cor meum vigilat
Vier "Airs" (1668), mit eigenen Veränderungen der zweiten Strophen, für Sopran und Basso continuo (Laute) Bénigne de Bacilly. Puisque Phillis est infidèle
Petite abeille
Vous ne pouvez, Iris
Vous savez donner de l'amour
Aus der Oper "Rinaldo" (1711) : Arie für Alt, Streicher und Basso continuo, mit den Gesangsverzierungen rekonstruiert nach der Cembalofassung des W. Babell Georg Friedrich Händel
Aus der Oper "Ottone" (1723) : drei Arien der Teofane für Alt und Orchester mit Basso continuo, mit den Verzierungen von Gaetano Guadagni (ca. 1751) Georg Friedrich Händel. Affanni del pensier
Alla fama dimmi il vero
Benche mi sia crudele
Aus der Kantate no. 32 "Der Gerechte muß viel leiden" (1720) : Arie für Sopran und Orchester mit Basso continuo, mit den Originalverzierungen Graupners Christoph Graupner
Aus der Oper "Cleofide" (1731) : Arie der Cleofide für Sopran, Streicher und Basso continuo, mit den Gesangsverzierungen von Faustina Hasse, Friedrich II. von Preußen Johann Adolf Hasse
Lied aus der Oper "Die verkehrte Welt" (1728), mit "komischen Veränderungen" von Telemann Georg Philipp Telemann
Chanson "Languir me fais" : (1528), mit den Veranderungen von Adrianus Petit Coclico (1552) Claudin de Sermisy
Chanson "C'est à grant tort" : (1529), mit den Verzierungen von Adrianus Petit Coclico (1552) Claudin de Sermisy
Madrigal "Beato me direi" I/II : (Petrarca) (1569), mit verziertem Sopran von Girolamo dalla Casa (1584) Cipriano de Rore


by Hellmuth Christian Wolff ; translated from the German by Robert Kolben
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., MCA Music, c1971-c1975
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 38, 39, 40
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目次情報: 続きを見る
v. 1. Dalle più alte sfere : solo madrigal from the 1st intermezzo of "La pellegrina" : Florence 1589 Antonio Archilei
Per quel vago boschetto : messenger scene from "L'Euridice" : Florence 1600 Giulio Caccini
Piange ninfe : lament from "La Dafne" : Mantua 1608 Marco da Gagliano
Possente spirto : Orpheus' lament from "L'Orfeo" : Mantua 1607 Claudio Monteverdi
Partiti, move il piè : Ulysses and the suitors from "Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria" : Venice 1641 Claudio Monteverdi
O morte gradita : Alessio's aria from "Il San Alessio" : Rome 1632 Stefano Landi
Düstere Wolken : thunderstorm scene from "Seelewig" : Nuremberg 1644 Sigmund Theophil Staden
Son quì, che, che, chiedi? : stutter scene from "Il Giasone" : Venice 1649 Francesco Cavalli
Sposa, figlio, hor è tempo : death scene from "Il Pompeo Magno" : Venice 1666 Francesco Cavalli
Ah quanto è vero : Venus' aria from "Il pomo d'oro" : Vienna 1668 Marc' Antonio Cesti
S'un Ercole amante : Ottone's aria from "L'Adelaide" : Venice 1672 Antonio Sartorio
Giosci alma mia : Gisilla's aria from "L'Adelaide" : Venice 1672 Antonio Sartorio
Voi ninfe d'amore : Fama's aria from "Antonino e Pompejano" : Venice 1677 Antonio Sartorio
Bei fioretti : Alinda's aria from "Il Candaule" : Venice 1679 Pietro Andrea Ziani
Si bella bocca : Alinda's and Candaule's aria from "Il Candaule" : Venice 1679 Pietro Andrea Ziani
Che ti feci : Candaule's aria from "Il Candaule" : Venice 1679 Pietro Andrea Ziani
Lasciami gelosia : Claudio's aria from "Messalina" : Venice 1680 Carlo Pallavicini
Voglio goder ogn'hora : Messalina's aria from "Messalina" : Venice 1680 Carlo Pallavicini
Vitaliano, il di cui nome vola : farewell scene from "Il Giustino" : Venice 1683 Giovanni Legrenzi
Komm! ach komm! O süßer Tod : Dorisbe's aria from "Orontes" : Hamburg 1678 Johann Theile
Was ist doch das menschliche Leben : from "Cara Mustapha" : Hamburg 1686 Johann Wolfgang Franck
Kanstu dieses Unrecht sehen : Bassa Ibrahim's aria from "Cara Mustapha" : Hamburg 1686 Johann Wolfgang Franck
Wiltu der Gesundheit pflegen : Barac's aria from "Cara Mustapha" : Hamburg 1686 Johann Wolfgang Franck
Bleibt immer der Schmerze, mein Herze, bei dir? : Murat's aria from "Bajazeth und Tamerlan" : Hamburg 1690 Johann Philipp Foertsch
Da mein Leben mir entweichet : Daliso's aria from "Erindo" : Hamburg 1693 Johann Sigismund Kusser
Dans le piège fatal : slumber scene from "Armide" : Paris 1686 Jean-Baptist Lully
Gott ist König auf der Welt : angels' chorus from "Nebukadnezar" : Zittau 1684 Johann Philipp Krieger
Die regia salma : ghost scene from "Servio Tullio" : Munich 1685 Agostino Steffani
Le saette del Tonante : Alarico's aria from "Alarico" : Munich 1687 Agostino Steffani
Per vostro onor un fulmine vibrate : Rosaura's aria from "La Rosaura" : Rome 1690 Alessandro Scarlatti
Chi ben ama : Termanzia's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
In quel piè legato ho il core : Placidia's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
Vacillante è il regno mio : Onorio's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
Suivons l'aimable paix : Termanzia's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
Usignoli, che cantate per amor : aria (duet) Termanzio-Onorio from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
v. 2. Appearance of Venus : from Hésione (Paris 1701) André Campra
Croesus' aria : from Croesus : (Hamburg 1710) Reinhard Keiser
Silvamire's aria : from L'inganno fedele : (Hamburg 1714) Reinhard Keiser
Emma's aria : from Emma und Eginhard : (Hamburg 1728) Georg Philipp Telemann
Almirena's aria : from Rinaldo : (London 1711) George Frederick Handel
Gualtiero's aria : from La Griselda : (London 1722) Giovanni Battista Bononcini
Arianna's recitative and aria : from Il Giustino : (Rome 1724) Antonio Vivaldi
Pimpinone's aria : from Pimpinone : (Hamburg 1725) Georg Philipp Telemann
Claudius' aria : from Ludovicus Pius : (Brunswick 1726) Georg Caspar Schürmann
The beggar's opera : (London 1728). Rinaldo march Johann Christoph Pepusch
Sir John's air : from The devil to pay : (London 1731) Mr. Seedo
Ezio's recitative : from Ezio : (Naples 1730) Johann Adolf Hasse
Les Incas de Pérou : from Indes Galantes : (Paris 1735). Song to the sun Jean-Philippe Rameau
Andromaca's aria : from L'Andromaca : (Naples 1742) Leonardo Leo
Leucippo's aria : from Leucippo : (Dresden 1747) Johann Adolf Hasse
Montezuma's aria : from Montezuma : (Berlin 1755) Carl Heinrich Graun
Orfeo's aria : from Orfeo ed Euridice : (Vienna 1762) Christoph Willibald Gluck
Annette's ariette : from Annette et Lubin : (Paris 1762) by Marie-Justine and Charles-Simon Favart ; music by Benjamin de la Borde
Lieschen's song : from Die Liebe auf dem Lande : (Leipzig 1768) Johann Adam Hiller
Tagliaferro's aria : from La Buona Figluola : (Rome 1760) Nicola Piccinni
Fetonte's accompanied recitative and aria : from Fetonte : (Ludwigsburg 1768) Niccolò Jommelli
Louise's air : from Le déserteur : (Paris 1769) Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny
Aspasia's accompanied recitative and aria : from Mitridate, Rè di Ponto : (Milan 1770) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Recitative of Alceste and Admetus, and Alceste's aria : from Alceste : (Wermar 1773) Anton Schweitzer
Medea : (Leipzig 1775) Georg Benda
Sophie's song : from Die Bergknappen : (Vienna 1778) Ignaz Umlauff
v. 3. La vestale : Paris 1807. Julia's arioso and recitative from act II Gasparo Spontini
La muette de Portici : Paris 1828. Scene and beginning of the finale from act II Daniel François Esprit Auber
Les Huguenots : Paris 1836. Excerpt from the finale of act IV Giacomo Meyerbeer
Joseph : Paris 1807. Joseph's aria : act I, scene 1 Etienne Nicolas Méhul
Fra Diavolo : Paris 1830. Scene with Zerline's prayer : act II, scene 10 Daniel François Esprit Auber
Dinorah (La pardon de Ploermel) : Paris 1859. Invocation scene from act I Giacomo Meyerbeer
Philémon et Baucis : Paris 1860. Beginning of act I, duet for Philémon and Baucis Charles Gounod
L'Italiana in Algeri : Venice 1813. Isabella's aria, act II Giaocchino Rossini
La sonnambula : Milan 1831. Scene and aria from act II Vincenzo Bellini
Norma : Milan 1831. Norma's prayer : from act I Vincenzo Bellini
La forza del destino : St. Petersburg 1862. Leonore-Father Guardian scene : from act II Giuseppe Verdi
La bohème : Turin 1896. Musette's waltz : from act II Gizcomo Puccini
Faust : Prague 1816. Röschen's cavatina Louis Spohr
Faust : Prague 1816. Mephisto's aria Louis Spohr
Undine : Berlin 1816. Undine's farewell : from act III Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann
Euryanthe : Vienna 1823. Lysiart's scene and aria, beginning of act II Carl Maria von Weber
Hans Sachs : Leipzig 1840. Cordula's aria : from act III Albert Lortzing
Tristan and Isolde : Munich 1865. Death of Tristan : from act III Richard Wagner
Halka : Warsaw 1858. Jontek's song : from act IV Stanislav Moniuszko
Dalibor : Prague 1868. Duet for Milada and Dalibor : from act II Bedřich Smetana
Prince Igor : St. Petersburg 1890. Chorus of the Polovtsian maidens : from act II Alexander Borodin
Sadko : Moscow 1898. Song of the Indian merchant : from the 4th tableau Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov
v. 1. Dalle più alte sfere : solo madrigal from the 1st intermezzo of "La pellegrina" : Florence 1589 Antonio Archilei
Per quel vago boschetto : messenger scene from "L'Euridice" : Florence 1600 Giulio Caccini
Piange ninfe : lament from "La Dafne" : Mantua 1608 Marco da Gagliano