

transcribed and edited by Philip Brett
出版情報: London : published for the Royal Musical Association [by] Stainer and Bell, 1974
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 22
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O Death, rock me asleep Anon
Alas, alack, my heart is woe Anon
Come tread the paths (Guichardo) Anon
Farewell the bliss Anon
Enforc'd by love and fear Robert Parsons
Pour down, you pow'rs divine (Pandolpho) Robert Parsons
No grief is like to mine [Robert Parsons]
Ah, alas, you salt sea gods (Abradad) Richard Farrant
O Jove, from stately throne Richard Farrant
A doleful deadly pang Nicholas Strogers
Send forth thy sighs Nathaniel Pattrick
Prepare to die Nathaniel Pattrick
Like as the day Patrick Mando
For death of her William Cobbold
Ye mortal wights William Cobbold
Cease now, vain thoughts Nathaniel Giles
O thrice-blessed earthbed John Tomkins
How can the tree Anon
In terrors trapp'd Anon
Mistrust misdeems amiss Anon
The saint I serve Anon
Mistrust not truth [Nicholas?] Strogers
O heav'nly God [Nicholas?] Strogers
When May is in his prime Anon
Ah, silly poor Joas Anon
My little sweet darling Anon
Without redress Anon
In paradise Anon
Amids my bale William Cobbold
The haughty hearts William Cobbold
Fie, fie, my fate [William?] Mundy
Come, Charon, come Anon
Climb not too high Nathaniel Pattrick
Eliza is the fairest Queen Edward Johnson
Come again Edward Johnson
My mind to me Anon
My heart doth pant for sorrow Anon
Complain with tears Anon
What first did break thee Anon
Come, Holy Ghost Anon
O Lord of whom I do depend Anon
O Lord, turn not away thy face Anon
Now Israel may say John Cosyn
Except the Lord the house do make John Cosyn
Lord, to thee I make my moan John Cosyn
Yield unto God John Cosyn
Ne reminiscaris John Wilbye
Born is the Babe Anon
Eliza, her name gives honour John Bennet
Venus' birds John Bennet
Cuckoo [Richard Nicholson?]
In a merry May morn Richard Nicholson
Joan, quoth John Richard Nicholson
No more, good herdsman, of thy song Richard Nicholson
Sweet, they say such virtue lies in your lips [Richard Nicholson?]
I am not I of such belief (I) Richard Nicholson
I am not I of such belief (II) William Wigthorpe
Were I made juror William Wigthorpe
Smiths are good fellows William Wigthorpe
Of all jolly pastimes Anon
What meat eats the Spaniard? Anon
Hold, lingel, hold Anon
The dark is my delight Anon
This merry pleasant Spring Anon
When Daphne from fair Phoebus did fly Anon
Sweet was the song the Virgin sung Anon
Sorrow, come John Dowland
The cries of London Thomas Weelkes
The cries of London Orlando Gibbons
The cry of London Anon
The city cries Richard Dering
The country cries Richard Dering
New fashions William Cobbold
O Death, rock me asleep Anon
Alas, alack, my heart is woe Anon
Come tread the paths (Guichardo) Anon


Richard Dering ; transcribed and edited by Peter Platt
出版情報: London : published for the Misica Britannica Trust established by the Royal Musical Association [by] Stainer and Bell, 1969
シリーズ名: Musica Britannica : a national collection of music ; 25
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Filli se gl'occhi giro
O vaghe o care stelle
Giunto è pur
Se nel partir da voi
Ahi! già mi discoloro
Ahi! Che tormi il ben mio
Voi che sete il cor mio
Cosi bella voi sete
Voi volete ch'io mora
Chi prende amor a gioco
Felice era il mio core
Arder di ghiaccio
Per te l'alma si strugge
Soccorretemi ohimé!
Dolce amoroso foco
Io mi sento morir
Filli mi ride e fugge
Ardo misero amante
Filli, mentre ti miro
Io grido ognor mercede
O com'è gran martire
Dolce spirto d'amore
Il mio martir
I miei sospiri
Donna crudel
Ohimé! Partito è il mio bel sol
Gli ardenti miei desiri
Lungi da voi
Vivrò io mai
E se pur esser
Ite amari sospiri
Occhi ladri d'amor
Poiché mesto e dolente
Donna, se'l cor legasti
Tutta gentile e bella
La vaga e bell' Aurora
Donna gentile
E se ben notte e giorno
Deh! Luce del mio cor
Ardor felice e cero
Ardenti miei sospiri
Mirando la mia Dea
Rosa d'amor
Lagrime dolci e care
Vergine bella
Donna, mentre io vi miro
O bellezza vitale
Cosí dunque
O miei giorni fugaci
O Donna troppo cruda
O durezza di ferro
Legasti, anima mia
T'amo mia vita
Crudelissima doglia
Alme d'amor rubelle
Ho visto al mio dolore
Felice chi vi mira
Che veggio? ohimé!
Al fonte, al prato
Pargoletta è colei
Lungi dal vostro lume
Lasso, ch'io moro!
O dolce mio martire
Sleep quiet, Lee
If sorrow might so fully be express'd
Filli se gl'occhi giro
O vaghe o care stelle
Giunto è pur