

А.И. Журавлев, В.Г. Подъячев ; под ред. И.Н. Андриенко
出版情報: Москва : Изд-во "Русский язык", 1979
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Georg Traska
出版情報: Wien : Mandelbaum, c2017
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scientific editors, Lubomír Doležal, Petr Sgall, Josef Vachek
出版情報: Prague : Academia, Pub. House of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1966-
シリーズ名: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
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by Günther Massenkeil ; [prefatory matter] translated from the German by A.C. Howie
出版情報: Cologne : A. Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., Leeds Music Corp., 1970
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 37
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Lauda Anima e corpo : (1577) Anon.
From Rappresentazione di anima e di corpo (1600) Emilio de' Cavalieri
Dialogo (1611) Biagio Tomasi
From Repraesentatio harmonica conceptionis et nativitatis S. Joannis Baptistae (c. 1618) Daniel Bollius
From Dialogo (The offering of Isaac) : (1619) Giovanni Francesco Anerio
Recitative and aria ("Romanesca") from S. Tommaso (1640) Marco Marazzoli
Chorus of Israelites, dialogue between Jephthah and his daughter, and final-chorus : from Jephte (c. 1645) Giacomo Carissimi
From Vom reichen Manne und Lazaro : (1649) Andreas Fromm
From Adam : (c. 1650) Bonifazio Graziani
Quartet of the elements from the Sepolcro : Il lutto dell'universo : (1668) Kaiser Leopold I
Herod's aria : from S. Giovanni Battista (1675) Alessandro Stradella
Trio Ismaele-Agar-Abramo : from Agar et Ismaele esiliati (1683) Alessandro Scarlatti
From Le reniement de St-Pierre : (c. 1690) Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Dialogue of the angel and the shepherds : from Oratorio de Noël (1701) Jacques-François Lochon
St. John's aria : from La resurrezione (1708) G.F. Händel
St. Petronio's aria : from S. Tetronio (1720) Giacomo Antonio Perti
Introduction and recitative albin and guide from Die Pilgrime auf Golgatha : (1742) Johann Adolf Hasse
Recitative and chorale from Der Tod Jesu : (1755) Carl Heinrich Graun
Dialogue of Mary and Martha : from Die Auferweckung Lazarus (1773) Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach
Recitative and shepherds' march from La nativité : (1774) François-Joseph Gossec
Recitative of Jesus and chorus of warriors : from Christus am Ölberge, op. 85 (1803) Ludwig van Beethoven
Raphael's aria : from Das Weltgericht (1819) Friedrich Schneider
Chorus from Premier oratorio pour le couronnement : (1825?) Jean François Le Sueur
Peter's aria and Mary's recitative : from Des Heilands letzte Stunden (1835) Louis Spohr
Chorale and St. Paul's aria : from Paulus, op. 36 (1836) Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Tenor aria with chorus from Oratorio de Noël : op. 12 (1869) Camille Saint-Saëns
Baritone solo with chorus from Christus : (1872) Franz Liszt
Song of Rhapsodes : from Odysseus, op. 41 (1872) Max Bruch
Recitation and angels' chorus : from Rédemption (1873) César Franck
Narrator's aria from Ève : (1875) Jules Massenet
Chorale and death of Jesus : from La rédemption (1882) Charles Gounod
Ludmila's recitative and Ivan's aria : from Svatá Ludmila, op. 71 (1886) Antonín Dvořák
Gerontius' song : from The dream of Gerontius (1900) Edward Elgar
Lauda Anima e corpo : (1577) Anon.
From Rappresentazione di anima e di corpo (1600) Emilio de' Cavalieri
Dialogo (1611) Biagio Tomasi


vědecký redaktor Miroslav Štěpánek
出版情報: Praha : Academia, 1980-1982
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[redaktoři, Karel Šandera] ... [et al.]
出版情報: Praha : Státní pedagogiské nakl., 1959
シリーズ名: Sborník Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze ; 1959
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Jiří Zeman
出版情報: Praha : Academia, 1978
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出版情報: 東京 : 白水社, 1997.12
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von Walter Sperling
出版情報: Wiesbaden : F. Steiner, 1982
シリーズ名: Erdkundliches Wissen ; Heft 61
Geographische Zeitschrift ; Beihefte
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par Daniel Hérault, avec la collaboration de Alexandre Ljudskanov et Patrice Pognan
出版情報: Saint-Sulpice de Favières : Éditions Jean-Favard, 1981
シリーズ名: Documents de linguistique quantitative ; 18
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出版情報: 藤沢 : 武田書店, 2002.1
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herausgegeben von: Stefan Garsztecki, Milan Jeřábek und Ilona Scherm ; unter Mitarbeit von: Martin Munke
出版情報: Dresden : Thelem, c2015
シリーズ名: Mitteleuropa-Studien ; Bd. 21
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[Kataloggestaltung Manfred Grosskinsky, Birgit Sander, Susanne Wartenberg, Vicki Schirdewahn]
出版情報: Frankfurt a. M. : Museum Giersch, 2012
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千野栄一, 千野ズデンカ共著
出版情報: 東京 : 白水社, 1975.6
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W.R. and Z. Lee
出版情報: Sevenoaks : Hodder & Stoughton, 1964, c1959
シリーズ名: Teach yourself books
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Pavel Scheufler
出版情報: Praha : Panorama, 1984
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Adolf Karger, Josef Novák; translated by Michal Basch
出版情報: New York : Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, c1985
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by Hellmuth Christian Wolff ; translated from the German by Robert Kolben
出版情報: Cologne : Arno Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., MCA Music, c1971-c1975
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 38, 39, 40
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目次情報: 続きを見る
v. 1. Dalle più alte sfere : solo madrigal from the 1st intermezzo of "La pellegrina" : Florence 1589 Antonio Archilei
Per quel vago boschetto : messenger scene from "L'Euridice" : Florence 1600 Giulio Caccini
Piange ninfe : lament from "La Dafne" : Mantua 1608 Marco da Gagliano
Possente spirto : Orpheus' lament from "L'Orfeo" : Mantua 1607 Claudio Monteverdi
Partiti, move il piè : Ulysses and the suitors from "Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria" : Venice 1641 Claudio Monteverdi
O morte gradita : Alessio's aria from "Il San Alessio" : Rome 1632 Stefano Landi
Düstere Wolken : thunderstorm scene from "Seelewig" : Nuremberg 1644 Sigmund Theophil Staden
Son quì, che, che, chiedi? : stutter scene from "Il Giasone" : Venice 1649 Francesco Cavalli
Sposa, figlio, hor è tempo : death scene from "Il Pompeo Magno" : Venice 1666 Francesco Cavalli
Ah quanto è vero : Venus' aria from "Il pomo d'oro" : Vienna 1668 Marc' Antonio Cesti
S'un Ercole amante : Ottone's aria from "L'Adelaide" : Venice 1672 Antonio Sartorio
Giosci alma mia : Gisilla's aria from "L'Adelaide" : Venice 1672 Antonio Sartorio
Voi ninfe d'amore : Fama's aria from "Antonino e Pompejano" : Venice 1677 Antonio Sartorio
Bei fioretti : Alinda's aria from "Il Candaule" : Venice 1679 Pietro Andrea Ziani
Si bella bocca : Alinda's and Candaule's aria from "Il Candaule" : Venice 1679 Pietro Andrea Ziani
Che ti feci : Candaule's aria from "Il Candaule" : Venice 1679 Pietro Andrea Ziani
Lasciami gelosia : Claudio's aria from "Messalina" : Venice 1680 Carlo Pallavicini
Voglio goder ogn'hora : Messalina's aria from "Messalina" : Venice 1680 Carlo Pallavicini
Vitaliano, il di cui nome vola : farewell scene from "Il Giustino" : Venice 1683 Giovanni Legrenzi
Komm! ach komm! O süßer Tod : Dorisbe's aria from "Orontes" : Hamburg 1678 Johann Theile
Was ist doch das menschliche Leben : from "Cara Mustapha" : Hamburg 1686 Johann Wolfgang Franck
Kanstu dieses Unrecht sehen : Bassa Ibrahim's aria from "Cara Mustapha" : Hamburg 1686 Johann Wolfgang Franck
Wiltu der Gesundheit pflegen : Barac's aria from "Cara Mustapha" : Hamburg 1686 Johann Wolfgang Franck
Bleibt immer der Schmerze, mein Herze, bei dir? : Murat's aria from "Bajazeth und Tamerlan" : Hamburg 1690 Johann Philipp Foertsch
Da mein Leben mir entweichet : Daliso's aria from "Erindo" : Hamburg 1693 Johann Sigismund Kusser
Dans le piège fatal : slumber scene from "Armide" : Paris 1686 Jean-Baptist Lully
Gott ist König auf der Welt : angels' chorus from "Nebukadnezar" : Zittau 1684 Johann Philipp Krieger
Die regia salma : ghost scene from "Servio Tullio" : Munich 1685 Agostino Steffani
Le saette del Tonante : Alarico's aria from "Alarico" : Munich 1687 Agostino Steffani
Per vostro onor un fulmine vibrate : Rosaura's aria from "La Rosaura" : Rome 1690 Alessandro Scarlatti
Chi ben ama : Termanzia's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
In quel piè legato ho il core : Placidia's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
Vacillante è il regno mio : Onorio's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
Suivons l'aimable paix : Termanzia's aria from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
Usignoli, che cantate per amor : aria (duet) Termanzio-Onorio from "Onorio in Roma" : Venice 1692 Carlo Francesco Pollaroli
v. 2. Appearance of Venus : from Hésione (Paris 1701) André Campra
Croesus' aria : from Croesus : (Hamburg 1710) Reinhard Keiser
Silvamire's aria : from L'inganno fedele : (Hamburg 1714) Reinhard Keiser
Emma's aria : from Emma und Eginhard : (Hamburg 1728) Georg Philipp Telemann
Almirena's aria : from Rinaldo : (London 1711) George Frederick Handel
Gualtiero's aria : from La Griselda : (London 1722) Giovanni Battista Bononcini
Arianna's recitative and aria : from Il Giustino : (Rome 1724) Antonio Vivaldi
Pimpinone's aria : from Pimpinone : (Hamburg 1725) Georg Philipp Telemann
Claudius' aria : from Ludovicus Pius : (Brunswick 1726) Georg Caspar Schürmann
The beggar's opera : (London 1728). Rinaldo march Johann Christoph Pepusch
Sir John's air : from The devil to pay : (London 1731) Mr. Seedo
Ezio's recitative : from Ezio : (Naples 1730) Johann Adolf Hasse
Les Incas de Pérou : from Indes Galantes : (Paris 1735). Song to the sun Jean-Philippe Rameau
Andromaca's aria : from L'Andromaca : (Naples 1742) Leonardo Leo
Leucippo's aria : from Leucippo : (Dresden 1747) Johann Adolf Hasse
Montezuma's aria : from Montezuma : (Berlin 1755) Carl Heinrich Graun
Orfeo's aria : from Orfeo ed Euridice : (Vienna 1762) Christoph Willibald Gluck
Annette's ariette : from Annette et Lubin : (Paris 1762) by Marie-Justine and Charles-Simon Favart ; music by Benjamin de la Borde
Lieschen's song : from Die Liebe auf dem Lande : (Leipzig 1768) Johann Adam Hiller
Tagliaferro's aria : from La Buona Figluola : (Rome 1760) Nicola Piccinni
Fetonte's accompanied recitative and aria : from Fetonte : (Ludwigsburg 1768) Niccolò Jommelli
Louise's air : from Le déserteur : (Paris 1769) Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny
Aspasia's accompanied recitative and aria : from Mitridate, Rè di Ponto : (Milan 1770) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Recitative of Alceste and Admetus, and Alceste's aria : from Alceste : (Wermar 1773) Anton Schweitzer
Medea : (Leipzig 1775) Georg Benda
Sophie's song : from Die Bergknappen : (Vienna 1778) Ignaz Umlauff
v. 3. La vestale : Paris 1807. Julia's arioso and recitative from act II Gasparo Spontini
La muette de Portici : Paris 1828. Scene and beginning of the finale from act II Daniel François Esprit Auber
Les Huguenots : Paris 1836. Excerpt from the finale of act IV Giacomo Meyerbeer
Joseph : Paris 1807. Joseph's aria : act I, scene 1 Etienne Nicolas Méhul
Fra Diavolo : Paris 1830. Scene with Zerline's prayer : act II, scene 10 Daniel François Esprit Auber
Dinorah (La pardon de Ploermel) : Paris 1859. Invocation scene from act I Giacomo Meyerbeer
Philémon et Baucis : Paris 1860. Beginning of act I, duet for Philémon and Baucis Charles Gounod
L'Italiana in Algeri : Venice 1813. Isabella's aria, act II Giaocchino Rossini
La sonnambula : Milan 1831. Scene and aria from act II Vincenzo Bellini
Norma : Milan 1831. Norma's prayer : from act I Vincenzo Bellini
La forza del destino : St. Petersburg 1862. Leonore-Father Guardian scene : from act II Giuseppe Verdi
La bohème : Turin 1896. Musette's waltz : from act II Gizcomo Puccini
Faust : Prague 1816. Röschen's cavatina Louis Spohr
Faust : Prague 1816. Mephisto's aria Louis Spohr
Undine : Berlin 1816. Undine's farewell : from act III Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann
Euryanthe : Vienna 1823. Lysiart's scene and aria, beginning of act II Carl Maria von Weber
Hans Sachs : Leipzig 1840. Cordula's aria : from act III Albert Lortzing
Tristan and Isolde : Munich 1865. Death of Tristan : from act III Richard Wagner
Halka : Warsaw 1858. Jontek's song : from act IV Stanislav Moniuszko
Dalibor : Prague 1868. Duet for Milada and Dalibor : from act II Bedřich Smetana
Prince Igor : St. Petersburg 1890. Chorus of the Polovtsian maidens : from act II Alexander Borodin
Sadko : Moscow 1898. Song of the Indian merchant : from the 4th tableau Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov
v. 1. Dalle più alte sfere : solo madrigal from the 1st intermezzo of "La pellegrina" : Florence 1589 Antonio Archilei
Per quel vago boschetto : messenger scene from "L'Euridice" : Florence 1600 Giulio Caccini
Piange ninfe : lament from "La Dafne" : Mantua 1608 Marco da Gagliano


[kolektiv autorů Miroslav Buchvaldek ... et al.]
出版情報: Praha : Nakl. Svoboda, 1986
シリーズ名: Členská knižnice
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herausgegeben im Auftrag des Collegium Carolinum von Heribert Sturm
出版情報: München : R. Oldenbourg, 1979-
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Neu bearbeitet von Ivana von den Drieschová
出版情報: Berlin : Langenscheidt, c1987
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